#FFB: Paloma Garcia-Lee

Final- Part III: Paloma (Part I: Paul and Paloma, Part II: Paul)

With her sensational energy, transparency, and shining spirit, Paloma is the ideal performer. In this city, you can only hope to meet people like Paloma from which inspiration is endless. Her commentary on New York, performing, and inspiration literally brought tears to my eyes. Some people embody the spirit of dreams and New York in a such a beautiful way that makes you understand this industry and what it is all about- Paloma is one of these people. With her incredible dedication to this art,

Paloma is Fit for Broadway.


Fun Facts:

  • I skipped my junior year in high school so I could transfer to the Drama program at NCSA. I am a very driven person and if I want something I will tirelessly work at getting it. I went to school every day all summer long that year, but I got to skip a grade so it was all worth it! The hardest part was leaving my best friend and roommate of 3 years a year early. I still wish I had that last year with her.

  • If I was not a performer I would be a professional horseback rider. When I was on tour with PHANTOM we would sit in cities for 4-6 weeks at a time and I would lease a horse at a stable in every city and go ride every day. It was heartbreaking to make a relationship with a great horse every city and have to say goodbye, but it was so therapeutic to ride every day. I almost bought a horse in Arizona and was going to buy a trailer and travel the horse city to city with me. We got our closing notice a few months later and I decided it probably was not best- where would I fit my horse in NYC?

  • My indulgence is Buffalo Wild Wings. I get a small split order of boneless wings and I get Parmesan Cream on half and Hot Sauce on the other half. BWW is love like I have never known. But I make myself really earn it.

  • I talk to every dog I see on the street. I tell them they are a good dog and that they are beautiful. I am a huge animal lover and I love the look on a dogs face when you tell them they are a good dog. Paul, my fiance, used to think I was silly, but now he thinks it’s really sweet.

  • I am a bit of a wild child. A total Taurus. I am not sure that’s a fun fact but if you know me… you know those things are super true : )


Q: What is the most physically challenging part of performing?

A: I think just finding the balance of what an 8-show week looks like on top of your other things you want to add in outside of the show. Finding the balance of dance class, working out, voice lessons and all of that on top of a show schedule is tricky. I remember once when I was in PHANTOM I was trying to take gymnastics classes at Chelsea piers and I got to the show at night and couldn't hold the hoop above my head during the ballet, but I had to, it was so painful and sore that I knew I had gone too far. But another example is when I was on tour I barely ever took dance class and my body adapted to the show at night and I actually started getting out of shape because my body was used to the work load at night and needed to be pushed more to stay in shape. It’s all about finding balance, but once you do its golden.

Q: How would you describe your fitness routine?

A: Well I feel I am first and foremost a dancer so dance class is my main form of fitness. I like to take 3-4 dance classes a week when I have the time. Usually two jazz and two ballet. I also have completely drank the coolaid at SoulCycle. I have been a rider since a year or so after the studio opened on the Upper West Side and went on to become an instructor for the company in 2012, I taught for a year but while I was doing Nice Work on Broadway struggled to find the balance of teaching and doing the show so I am on a leave from the company but know I will be back there teaching someday. But for now I think it is one of the best workouts in New York and think its great for dancers to build core strength and obviously shed pounds because it is CAR-DI-O! I am also a huge fan of Physique 57. Every year when I am getting ready for Broadway Bares I buy a month unlimited and try to fit in 4 classes a week and it tones me up so fast its unbelievable! I love it. Long story short- Dance Class, Physique 57, Soulcycle and walking around this crazy city is how I stay in shape!

Q: How do you keep your voice healthy?

A:  I have grown so much as a singer especially in the past two years and have learned so much about vocal health. I am singing better than I ever have in my life and I really owe taking care of myself outside of the audition room and the theater to it. I try to stay really hydrated, watch my alcohol intake, try not to eat too close to bed time, keep my allergies in check and not strain my neck too much when I work out. It all sounds so heady and so opera singer- scarf around neck of me, but anyone who sings I think will agree that nothing is worth struggling through a song at an audition, or feeling like you have no voice during your show. Once I learned what it felt like for singing to be easy and free I never wanted to go back.

Q: Do you follow a specific diet?

A: I believe that the energy in which you put food into your body reflects on how your body processes it. If I worry about what I eat, and guilt eat- without a doubt I start gaining weight. I try to eat healthy and I am really good at portion control. I try to eat clean, but let myself have a cheat or two every week. I always keep a bar of dark salted chocolate in the fridge door and reward myself with a square or two. I believe in loving food, and paying attention to what makes you feel good. Eating well makes me feel good and that’s what is most important to me. I am also a total juice whore right now. My apartment is sandwiched between a juice generation, two juice presses and an organic avenue on the upper west side so I am in juice heaven!

Q: What is your favorite energy-boosting snack/meal?

A: I really like the egg white/spinach/feta wrap at Starbucks to start my day or something like it. Its not too heavy but gives me the oomph I need to get going. I also love a Coco Acai smoothie at Juice Generation. Sometimes salads make me bloated but on the flip side, sometimes salads make me feel like a rockstar…

Q: What is your favorite late night snack after performances?

A: Sesame Cashews from Trader Joes. Seltzer water and some Dark Salted Chocolate. NOM! (I don’t know his answer but Paul is going to be so boring and say eggs and an orange or pineapple. He eats it every night, while I eat my chocolate.)

Q: What is your best advice/strategies to fight fatigue?

A: I have had an interesting battle with fatigue my whole life. Doctors have suspected me of having multiple bouts of mono, have even told me I might have an array of autoimmune diseases.  I’ve had tests on my cortisol levels, so much blood work I can’t even begin to describe. I am tired most of the time. I have insomnia most of the time. I require around 10-12 hours of sleep a night to feel like a healthy and normal person and these are things I have accepted and live with and accommodate every day. I used to be embarrassed or feel bad about them, or wonder ‘what’s wrong with me?’. But I am beginning to accept these things as just a part of my chemistry. My sleep schedule is usually from 2:45-3:45AM till about 12:30/1:30PM. Especially when I am doing a show, I don't get home until 11 and then I eat, unwind, spend some time with my pup and Paul and then WHAM its 2AM without even trying. When I was in high school I would go to sleep at 4 or 5AM every morning, so I actually think I am making some success. I still work closely with my doctors to watch my blood work, stress levels (I get stressed out fairly easily and it usually leads to me getting sick), and just try to keep myself as balanced as possible. So to answer this question, my best advice is to listen to your body and don’t judge it. If you are tired- sleep. If you are sore- be good to yourself. Just tune in to what your body is trying to tell you and do your best to give it what it needs.

Q: What is your best advice for stage confidence?

A: I believe overall confidence in who you are as a human being translates on stage so beautifully. Work hard at what you do so when you step on stage you are proud of the work you are doing, invest time into what you love. Love YOU. This city will drive you wild with thoughts of what you dont have, what you cant get, what you aren't right for- find what you do have, what you can get, find what you are right for and go for it. We let fear consume us so much that we become trapped by it. Of course I struggle with fear but I have made a conscious effort most of my life to walk into a room and own who I am and what I do to the fullest. Anyone who knows me knows I am ballsy and daring and passionate about being confident. I try to walk into the audition room with a deep sense of self worth and not fear anything behind the table, I make jokes, I engage people and sometimes that scares people but on the flip side of that a lot of my feedback has been positive about it. I believe in being unapologetically yourself. Not in ANY WAY to be cocky or stuck up or think you know everything because lord knows none of us do. Always aspire to be better and be humble but know that you are enough, you are worth so much, you are talented and deserving and with that knowledge I believe the universe conspires to make great things come your way.

Q: Who or what inspires you?

A: I am such a passionate person that so much inspires me. I cry at almost everything, and I just try and remain as open to inspiration as possible. I love life, I love the characters we meet in this world. Everyone has a beautiful story and it is inspiring to be surrounded in the Broadway community by people who ran after what they wanted in life, who worked hard every day to get to where they are and who continue to dream. I have friends who have done 7/8/9 Broadway shows and who are in class all the time, working on their voice, going to acting class to get better at their craft. It is inspiring to be in a group of professionals who cheer each other on and I feel SO blessed to have the friends I do who inspire me to keep going after what I want. My parents inspire me, Paul inspires me, New York inspires me. I’m getting chills just writing this. I am deeply inspired and I want to help inspire the next generation of performers to go after their dreams and goals, it’s all about taking anything we know and passing it on. This is my favorite quote and it sums up so much of how I feel about being inspired and what not: ‘What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. it will decide what gets you out of bed in the mornings, what you do with your evenings, how you spend your weekends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you. fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything’.- Pedro Arrupe- I think that end section about falling in love applies to everything, fall in love with your life, your world, your friends, your city- it really changes your perspective.

Q: How does your physical fitness affect your performance abilities?

A: As a dancer physical fitness enhances my abilities. I have to be careful because my lower body bulks really quickly, while my upper body leans up really quickly so I have to find workouts that work for my body in a way that keeps it in the shape I want to be in but mostly everything I do is physical fitness with all the dancing and what not :)

Q: Tips on finding the time to stay physically/vocally fit?

A: Don’t make excuses. Carve out the time- you will be thankful you did. Oh and be damn good to your body. If you have a big audition the next day- don't drink. It’s really very simple. It might be boring but when you nail your audition or when you start seeing muscles all over your body you will smile and be happy you made an investment in yourself.

Q: What is your advice for those trying to perform on Broadway?

A: There is nothing easy about this business. nothing. You have to be confident, tough, daring, talented, a damn hard worker, lucky and most of all passionate. If you love it- do it. If at any moment you hate it- take a break. I have had many friends come up here and realize it’s not what they want. And I have had many friends come here and realize it’s everything they have ever dreamed of. My advice is to work your ass off, say yes to everything, work for free, build your friendships, build your connections, be easy to work with, always keep improving what you do, figure out your ‘look’, have a life outside of performing, don’t burn your bridges, take vacations and just run fearlessly towards your goals. If you don’t try the answer is always going to be no. GO FOR IT!



#FFB: Nick Cunningham


#FFB: Paul Scharfer