Fit For Broadway

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#FFB: Amanda Kloots

Amanda is an absolute powerhouse! With her sensational career on Broadway, she still finds the time and energy to dominate as a fitness instructor at Body by Simone. (also the blonde beauty of Just Desserts NYC) Her intensity, equally matched by her warm personality, is no doubt the edge she needs for her demanding schedule.


BIOGRAPHY: Hello!  I am originally from Canton, Ohio but have lived in NYC for 14 years!  I moved here right after high school to attend The American Music and Dramatic Academy (AMDA for short!) because I knew that performing on Broadway was what I wanted to do!  Two days before I graduated I booked my first professional Equity job the 1st National tour of 42nd Street!  I was beyond excited because I had seen the show on Broadway about ten times in the front row!  I have been very lucky to work pretty steadily since then performing on Broadway, in other national tours, and being a Radio City Rockette.  About two years ago I started working at the boutique fitness studio Body By Simone.  I found another passion of mine through teaching fitness.  I love training clients and teaching classes there.  It's fun and HARD, but is such a fantastic way to keep in shape.  I also am a dessert critic!  My best friend, Beth Nicely and I started a dessert blog seven years ago called Just Desserts NYC.  We review desserts from all over the world with the main focus on New York City.  I think it's important to keep busy and keep challenging yourself in all aspects of life.


Q: What is the most physically challenging part of performing?

A: For me, since I teach fitness classes, it's finding a balance between working hard while teaching and then having enough energy for the show every night. I really have to take care of myself by getting massages and enough rest!

Q: How would you describe your fitness routine?

A: I'm a fitness instructor at Body By Simone a boutique studio in Chelsea. I train clients and teach classes sometimes up to three hours a day. The workout is dance based so it is very beneficial to keep my body in shape for dancing in the show each night. If I don't teach I love taking Nancy Bielski's ballet class at Steps.

Q: How do you keep your voice healthy?

A: That has been a challenge for me since I started teaching because I'm in a room with loud music all the time. I try to rest it after teaching before singing at night.  But being in a show every night definitely helps to keep it in shape.

Q: Do you follow a specific diet?

A: I became a vegetarian six months again so I don't eat meat. I have noticed changes in my body since doing that. I don't follow any specific diet otherwise, but I am a creature of habit so I tend to eat the same thing every day.  Lots of bananas, peanut butter, and sushi!

Q: What is your favorite energy-boosting snack/meal?

A: Banana and peanut butter! I love the pb at Witchcraft restaurant!

Q: What is your favorite late night snack after performances?

A: I try not to eat after the show because it disrupts my sleep. But if I do I'll have pita chips and hummus.

Q: What is your best advice/strategies to fight fatigue?

A: Get good sleep and drink a lot of water. Sticking to a regular schedule also helps keep my energy up.

Q: What is your best advice for stage confidence?

A: I would say to be yourself. Practice hard in the rehearsal studio so that when you get on stage you are comfortable doing what you do best.

Q: Who or what inspires you?

A: Creative, talented people inspire me. Either my friends or directors and choreographers.

Q: How does your physical fitness affect your performance abilities?

A: Being a dancer I think physical fitness is extremely important. I know that for myself I have to keep in great shape in order to feel like I can give 110% when I perform.

Q: Tips on finding the time to stay physically/vocally fit?

A: You have to find the time! It's as simple as ten min. a day if that's all you have. Do something each day. If it's important to you you'll find the time.

Q: What is your advice for those trying to perform on Broadway?

A: Work hard and don't give up. It's not easy and there is a lot of competition. You have to stay focused and always ready to be doing anything someone needs from you.