Fit For Broadway

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#FFB: Dana Costello

My first introduction to Dana was through awesome workout videos she posted on her Instagram that were 100% #FitforBroadway... like, they're awesome, check 'em out on her trainer's insta too! It was then super cool to hear her honesty about creating a Fit for Broadway lifestyle that works just for her, offering a different perspective for you guys who may have a love/hate relationship with fitness. Dana is an awesome example that sometimes it just takes good ol' fashioned hard work and sweat to keep rockin' on the Great White Way!

NOTE  FROM DANA: Hi, I'm Dana and I am currently playing "Mary Barrie" in Finding Neverland on Broadway.

Full disclosure: I am typing this with a thin mint in my mouth.  I know, I know, this is a fitness blog- so I guess I represent the imperfect population that wants to have their cookies and eat them too!  But I also work out; because I want to be healthy and strong and not beat myself up over my love of cookies.  Life is all about balance.  I believe equally in "take care of your body and your mind" and "TREAT YO-SELF"! 

Mind Body Broadway from Fit for Broadway Apparel


Q: Dana, it’s a good thing we’re finally doing your feature so I don’t feel weird about stalking all of your fun workout clips on Instagram :) #fitforbroadway love them!! What were the early years like… What was your journey to Broadway?

A: I started singing along to all the Disney movies when I was little and saw my first Broadway show when I was around 9: Beauty and the Beast. After that I begged my parents for voice lessons, started doing community theater and sang in the school and church choirs. I always knew this was what I wanted to do with my life. I never really entertained other options! When I was deciding which school to go to it was between a college that offered me a physics scholarship (of all things!) and a Performing Arts Conservatory. And I think I made the right choice (especially considering I can barely add 2+2 now! Although I can calculate 20% of anything practically in my sleep from all my years of waitressing in this city!)

Q: I loved your honesty about having a love/hate relationship with fitness… how has that evolved throughout your performance career?

A:  Yes, I think I represent #fitforbroadway #forbeginners. :) I have always made generous donations to gyms; meaning I paid membership dues but hardly ever went. I never knew what to do and felt judged trying to use the machines- and I didn't want to get on the treadmill because that seemed like my nightmare... Even now, if I'm running, it's because something is chasing me. When I turned cough*insert age*cough, I found that physical activities that I used to be naturally adept at were increasingly difficult. I started in the ensemble of NEVERLAND, and I was so sore from all the dancing and running up and down the 6 flights of stairs to my dressing room. That was my wake up call. I realized I was only exercising the same muscles 8 shows a week and it was starting to hurt. I needed to find balance. I decided to get myself the birthday present of a personal trainer. I needed someone to show me how to work out properly. We mostly use my own body weight, free weights, and resistance bands to workout; i.e. things I can do on my own at home. I still don't LOVE exercising but I feel so much stronger now and I really love that feeling. It's good for my body and my brain to encounter what I feel are my physical limitations- and push through them. It's super empowering!

Q: What’s your weekly fitness routine to keep you Fit for Finding Neverland?

A:  I try to workout twice a week with my trainer, and now that I'm playing "Mary Barrie" in NEVERLAND I have most of act 2 to hang out in my dressing room so I brought in a yoga mat and some resistance bands to workout in my dressing room.

Q: Any tips or tricks for staying motivated when fitness isn’t your main jam?

A:  Yeah, that's a hard one. I'm pretty great at justifying anything; "You want that new outfit? Yes, girl, you totally deserve it, you work really hard." or "I forgot my phone yesterday and had to walk all the way home to get it thereby doubling my walk thereby affording me this Twix bar.” Because of this talent, I sometimes find it extra difficult to get up and work out when Netflix and Couch are calling my name. I think the trick is to set yourself up to be held accountable. Schedule a class or make plans with a friend to workout. For me it's working out with a my trainer Trey Forde. Not only does he keep me accountable but he kicks my a**! He definitely pushes me past where I think I am physically able- and it shows me that I can actually keep going. When I'm on my own I try to tell myself "No one is going to do this for you!"

Q: Advice for boosting energy?

A: SLEEP! I love sleep, I can't get enough of it! It's so good for you. Hydrate and sleep.

Q: I’m always preachin’ the old “Food is Fuel” mantra. How does food play a role in helping you feel your best?

A: I was the kid in school that had the sandwich with sprouts and that inch-thick bread that had nuts and seeds and flax. I couldn't pay someone to trade me for their snack pack! But I'm so glad because I feel like my parents set me up with a good metabolism and a taste for REAL, healthy foods. That's the way I love to cook and eat now. Listen: if I want bread I'm gonna eat it.  I've never been good at depriving myself. But I think the key is moderation.

Q: If you could tell Pre-Broadway Dana one thing, what would it be?

A: I would love to go back to 9 year old Dana and say "Don't quit dance, gymnastics, or piano!".  I really wish I had stuck with those. Thankfully I stuck with voice lessons, but I wish I could fouette!

Q: Who or what inspires you?

A: I know that I work in Musical theater in New York City- therefor I'm probably supposed to be jaded- but I'm just not. I LOVE to see great theater or listen to songs that tell a beautiful story, or watch performances given by actors who are pouring their heart into it. I am inspired by love and stories of people who love unconditionally. I believe in romance and forgiveness and happy endings. (I'm a sucker for a good happy cry!) I love getting that feeling as an audience member- and that inspires me to give MY best performance to inspire those feelings in someone else.

Q: What is your advice for aspiring performers who have their sights set on Broadway?

A: "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

Fact: there was nothing I did in the chorus call for my first Broadway show (Jekyll & Hyde) that I didn't do in every chorus call before that.  I just finally had someone in the room who was looking for "me". Be ready, be prepared, do your best, and SHOW UP to those auditions. The rest is out of your hands.

connect with dana  |  Instagram: @dana_coz  |  Twitter: @Dana_Coz

Dana's "bad ass" Trainer! :) Trey Forde Fitness  |  Instagram: @c.f.iii  |  phone: 347-351-0351