Fit For Broadway

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#FFB: Lauren Boyd (Broadway Debut!)

I think this is a first! A Fit for Broadway feature on a Broadway debut with Lauren who is joining the cast of Hamilton tonight!! *applause, applause* What a sweet gal!! I got to dive into conversation with Lauren about how she's been training for Hamilton and the journey that led her to Broadway. Everyone go show her some love tonight on social media so she feels support and ready for the amazing road ahead! She's super inspiring and has some awesome advice about being persistent, discovering passions offstage, and being Fit for Broadway!

NOTE FROM LAUREN: Hi guys... I'm Lauren. I love Broadway and everything about it. The flashing lights. The music. The audience. The stories. I love the way I'm transported in a matter of seconds. I love that I get to use my talents to make someone else feel joy or a sense of wonderment. I have been training as a dancer since birth... And I say that only because my mom is a dance teacher. I grew up in her Dance Studio and later added The Dance Gallery, Inland Pacific Ballet & Pasadena Dance Theatre. I spent summers with American Ballet Theatre, School of American Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, Alonzo King's Lines & Pacific Northwest Ballet. I trained hard for 18 years and after graduating from High School, I applied for and got my first job at Disneyland working in parades. Later I joined their Aladdin show. From there, I joined Royal Caribbean for two performance contracts. In between contracts, I auditioned as much as I could. I got called to do the National Tour of West Side Story. After my contract ended, I was offered a contract with The Wicked First National Tour and spent four years in the show. I felt like it was finally time to relocate. I moved to the east coast and hit the auditions again, landing my biggest role yet... Hamilton!

“Broadway Tribe” from Fit for Broadway Apparel  

Q: Lauren!! It's your week! I want to jump right in to your debut in Hamilton but let's start from the beginning. What was your journey to Broadway?

A: It hasn't been easy. I've received a lot of no's over the years. From, "No, you're not..." to "No, you're too... " but I have learned to not take things too personaly and to strive off of the adrenaline in the audition rooms. It takes a lot of commitment and courage to walk into an audition room every day and share your heart with the most intimidating people in the business. I had to learn to trust myself, to stay true and confident in who I was... Even when I got discouraged. It's ALL worth it just for that one YES!

Q: How have fitness & health been intertwined into your journey, first as a dancer and through your transition into musical theater?

A: As a young dancer I was taught what NOT too eat. And of course, as a growing teenager who danced all day, that's all I wanted to eat. It became very hard for me, especially because I didn't know how to cook, to learn good eating habits growing up. I also thought that having the "perfect ballet body" was the only way to having a successful career. I later learned that strength, especially in your core, and a healthy lifestyle are essential to feeling your best during long performance days. For me... I have to take extra time for my body. Being on tour made this difficult, because we were constantly having to seek out new places to grocery shop. Apart from dancing 3-4hours every day I cross train at the gym. I also make sure to eat my fruits and veggies, while staying away from dairy (it hurts my tummy) and too many sugars!

“Broadway Tribe” from Fit for Broadway Apparel 

Q: You mentioned feeling conflicted about the feedback you were getting about your body growing up in the ballet world. Any tips for body confidence both in the world of ballet and musical theater?

A: Yes... Own your body!!! The best thing they could've done was told me how they felt about my body. It was one of a couple of reasons why I decided not to pursue being a professional ballet dancer. No one else had to live in my body except for me, so I was going to be proud of me. Also... That maybe I should start making better eating habits. Sometimes criticism isn't such a bad thing. Again... I don't take things too personally. I learn, grow and move on.

Q: Nutrition is a key piece of the Broadway puzzle! How has your relationship to food evolved through ballet, touring, and now #TrainingforBroadway?

A: It is very difficult to have a steady balanced meal plan on tour. Every month, or so, I would have to find another place to go shopping for healthy foods. Now that I live in NY, I can go to my local fresh foods market and pick out all the greens and proteins I need for the week.

Q: Do you have a pre-show ritual or any holistic practices that keep you centered and balanced?

A: I pray. It helps me to stay focused and to remind myself why I started performing in the first place.

Q: Who or what inspires you?

A: My family. They have never missed a single performance of mine. I love them to pieces and can't wait to hear, specifically, their cheers from the audience on my debut night!

Q: Top 3 Tips for Training for Hamilton...


  1. Be yourself.

  2. Never stop working hard.

  3. If you can find time to rest... Take A Break!

Q: The best part about making your Broadway debut in Hamilton is...

A: I get to wear those GORGEOUS costumes... Gaaah!

Q: Best workout to prepare for Hamilton?


  • Planks! Planks! Planks!

  • Lunges and squats!

  • Also I have been working on my bis/tris... [I want to look strong] in those amazing costumes.

Q: Best food fuel for training for Hamilton?

A: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches! Still learning how to cook.

Q: I loved hearing about your off stage passion of volunteering at assisted living homes. How did that come about and how does it expand your heart as a performer?

A: I grew up volunteering at a local senior living center. About two years ago I started teaching them tap dance. They loved moving their feet and dancing to the music. It gave many an opportunity they would never have normally received. It also brought back memories of those who were performers in the past. My passion for the elderly and their sweet hearts have given me joy over the years. I have now decided to turn it into an outreach program called #BroadwayBabes.

Q: What's your advice for aspiring performers who have their sights set on Broadway?

A: Go for it. If you have a passion, love and excitement for the arts then pursue it. Stay focused, don't loose heart and have humility along the way. Love you guys!

Instagram: @laurenmboyd  |  Twitter: @laurenmboyd  |  Facebook: Lauren Boyd