Fit For Broadway

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#FFB: Patina Miller

Patina and I originally bonded over our mutual love for acai bowls and all things fitness (especially boxing!), health, & Broadway. I truly can't imagine a more ideal person to radiate the themes of Fit for Broadway, including a fierce inner strength and generosity of spirit. The opportunity to take in her wisdom  and engrave her advice onto my path is something I will forever be grateful for. Patina set the bar from the beginning of her journey for what it takes to be FIT FOR BROADWAY!

Note from Patina: Hi My name is Patina. I am Broadway, TV, film actress. And I am obsessed with all things beauty health and fitness. And I love my husband and my two little fur babies.

“You Are Enough” Pullover from Fit for Broadway Apparel

(click HERE or click the picture!)


Q: Patina, you’re my hero. This is everything to have you on Fit for Broadway!! :) You’ve done it all— Broadway, tv, film. How has your fitness and health evolved through your journey from the beginning?

A: It all started when I was about to make my Broadway debut and I decided that I wanted to be physically fit to take on the demands of 8 shows a week. I started preparing for that when I was still in London in 2010 and I started working out ferociously. I sought out a nutritionist because I wanted to learn about the foods that would fuel my body and keep me energized but also tone up, lean out, and look fierce.

Then I got on Broadway, I started eating a more pescatarian diet and I started training about 5 times a week. I would do about 2 strength training workouts and then I would do 3 days of cardio on top of the 8 show schedule. I realized that nutrition played a role in my vocal health, because taking out all the dairy and a lot of the processed food made for less phlegm so that I could sing and also treating my body from the inside out. Treating it right... it really played a role in the energy I was able to give in each show. And being strong made it great for me to be able to physically take on the demands of being in such a rigorous show schedule 8 times a week.

So that’s how my journey started and then I started to become more obsessed with health and nutrition and I realized I liked to find different exercises, varying up my exercises, so I went from doing Pilates to utilizing weight training, to doing a bunch of running on the treadmill, to boxing. I’ve done it all, jump roping.. I just like to vary it all up because I’ve found when I vary it up, my body looks the best when I’m being active and doing many different things.

“Choose to Shine” Short Sleeve Sweatshirt from Fit for Broadway Apparel

(click HERE or click the picture!)

Q: Top 3 fitness & health tips for performers, singers, & actors?


  1. My first fitness and health tip would be to drink tons of water. It’s one of the things that in the beginning I used to forget but honestly drinking tons of water really hydrates you and keeps you lubricated. For singers, being really hydrated, makes it so you can do whatever you need to do especially when it comes to singing. It also just flushes your system. Adding some lemon in your water, preferably luke warm water, is a really good tip that I like.

  2. Make sure you’re having protein after you workout. Whatever your protein source is, making sure you’re getting enough protein to meet the demands of doing rigorous training and also performing.

  3. If you really don’t want to sing with phlegm, I would say cut out the dairy. The dairy and the spicy foods are so bad for you especially if you’re singing. I know for me, when I was having lots of dairy and spicy foods and anything tomato based, I know that it caused me to be very acidic. I had acid reflux which can be very damaging to your throat especially for performers who stay up late at night and eat late at night. Staying away from spicy foods and dairy is something that could help. Also, dairy makes you feel bloated, at least it does for me, it definitely irritates my stomach… everything in moderation.

Q: I always describe you as fierce! :) What’s your advice for feeling empowered & confident every day?

A: I think at the end of the day, I remind myself that I am so happy. Things really turn out so well for me when I’m confident in myself, when I believe in myself and my talent and constantly tell myself that I am enough and that I was born to do this. Really just speaking to myself about never giving up. This is your dream and if you believe in yourself, then others will believe in you. I try to live by that. I also try to be a good person and I want to exude that on the inside and the outside, so I’m just always trying to be a good person, thankful for my gifts and my talents.

Q: Rapid Fire Questions

Favorite Workout? At the moment, toss up between boxing and weight training.

Favorite post workout snack? Acai bowl, yummy

Favorite workout song? Problem by Ariana Grande

Best way to find your calm?  I do a lot of deep breathing. Working with my new training, everything for us is centered around breath, breath control and really focusing on my core so I like to do a lot of deep breathing exercises and it definitely calms me down.

Most difficult exercise or workout? I think it would be pistol squats. Pistol squats are so difficult, anything to do with weights, it’s difficult but I love a challenge. The jumping rope is a difficult exercise as well especially with all the different tricks but i love that too.

Best advice you’ve ever gotten? Whoopi gave me some really great advice. She told me to just be bold, make great choices, and have the time of my life. I’ve also gotten some other advice from one of my trainers who I love and adore and she told me to live in the moment and be happy for everything that’s happened for me because you don’t want to look back on anything and regret that you weren’t having a good time in the moment.

Best advice you’ve ever given? Live in the moment. If you work and believe in yourself then you can do anything.

Tea or Coffee? These days, I’m a coffee girl.

Favorite cheat day food? I do love some pizza. Pizza doesn’t love me, but I love some pizza.

Favorite power meal after a tough workout? My favorite power meal after a really tough workout… well the first thing I do within the first hour is to have a protein shake, and then an hour later, I would probably have scrambled eggs with avocado on toast.

Quote to live by… You only have one life to live so you might as well live it.

Q: What’s your advice for aspiring actors and singers?

A: The thing that I would always tell young actors and singers is to continue to work on your craft every day. Do something that helps you, do something that helps you get that much closer to your dream, whether that’s taking class, having a voice lesson, reading a play, going to see a show, really immersing yourself in all things theatre. Or if you want to do film, watching as many films as you can. If you want to do TV, getting a good idea of what kinds of shows you like. And also the work never stops, always trying to learn more and more, that’s my advice. Not be afraid of hearing no, because a lot of people are going to tell you no, but boy, once you get that first yes, it’s going to change your life. You just have to be patient, work hard, and know that what’s right for you is going to be for you. Hard work pays off.


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