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Gemstones & Crystals for Performers with Danielle Hope

My introduction to healing stones came through a few special friends over the last year; people that I deeply trust and admire on many levels but specifically for their openness and ability to connect. (I should also mention, they are all amazing performers!) I began to ask questions, slip rocks into my pocket, and explore the meaning behind these colorful pieces of earth. It all felt a bit "woo woo" but over time I gained a deeper understanding for how to use them and why this practice was as necessary as my workout or green smoothie.

I suppose it's no coincidence that for me, it felt very similar to wearing my favorite turquoise jewelry; my personal symbol of individuality and feminine power. Many performers have their unique go-to item or ritual before going on stage and gemstones and crystals are simply another way to tune in, get balanced, & dive deep.

When Danielle and I connected and she mentioned possibly doing a feature about gemstones and crystals, I was ecstatic. I knew she'd have the knowledge to give y'all the 101 on all things gemstones and crystals and how performers can benefit from integrating them into their wellness practice. So I told her to pack up her collection and we ventured out to this beautiful studio, capturing her spirit and crystals in the same glowing light of rainbow pastels. Her openness to share her wisdom and light left me inspired and hopeful of mysteries uncovered in these little wonders!

A Guide to Gemstones & Crystals
by Danielle Hope

NOTE FROM DANIELLE: I'm Danielle, my last names hope and I love that. Thanks Dad. I'm lucky enough to do the thing I'm most passionate about (wearing other people's clothes, pretending I'm lots of different people, making Lots of noise and moving my body in various strange ways) for a living.  My friends are very important to me, I actually don't know how I would survive day to day without them. My heart is split between America and England. Truly. I don't like being asked what my favourite type of music is, worst question. It changes constantly to match whatever I want to feel in that moment. I begged my dad to let me learn how to horse ride when I was 11. One of the greatest gifts, such beautiful creatures and just being near them calms me. I try to be as open and nonjudgemental as possible, embracing everything that I can. Disney is beyond important to me.

Q: Danielle! I can’t imagine a more luminous person to be giving our FFB “Intro to Gemstones & Crystals”! Between the crystals and your spirit, this is going to be quite the glow fest! :):) Let’s start at the beginning though, how did this all start? What was your journey to the West End?

A: My first west end job opportunity came to me at 17 years old via winning BBC's Over the Rainbow. A live weekly television show to find Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber's Dorothy for his brand new production of the Wizard of Oz at the London palladium. I was studying at school at the time and up rooted myself from North West England to Central London to prepare for the show. That was a huge adventure for me!

Q: You’re obviously someone who has a beautiful approach to wellness! How has that developed over the years?

A: Physical and mental wellness and wellbeing is a daily exploration for me. When I first began working in the West End I wasn't too sure what my body or mind needed to remain healthy and full of the stamina needed for eight shows a week. So I loved exploring lots of different things to see what worked for me personally. I have also found that what I need changes depending on the role I'm playing and the show schedule. For example I found being on tour a huge challenge on my mental wellbeing and found a great deal of comfort in meditation and making each new theatre and 'home for the week' a real base by having what I like to call my Anchors around me. I'm so thankful for having had such varied experiences in the roles I have played so far in my life because it has meant that my wellness exploration has also been so varied and so different every time.

Q: What was your introduction to healing stones/ crystals?

A: I’ve always been aware of crystals as my mum had some in our childhood home. When I entered the world of  performing my curiosity grew and I began to do my own research on crystal meanings and their uses.

A few favorites... 

  • Clear quartz: Quartz is a power stone. It enhances all kinds of energy by absorbing, amplifying, balancing, focusing and transmitting. Quartz also enhances thoughts, as they are a form of energy. So be sure to manifest positivity and what you want not what you do not have/want as it will amplify what you express. Because it directs and amplifies energy, it is extremely beneficial for manifesting, healing, meditation, protection, and channeling.

  • Opalite: Opalite is subtle yet highly energetic.  It is ideal for meditation.  Opalite improves communication on all levels, especially the spiritual. It is one of my favourite stones to wear and have on my person. The way it catches the light and reflects various colours is enticing. Supposedly it rewards faithful lovers. It removes energy blockages of the chakras and is primarily Connected to the third eye chakra. Opalite was my inspiration for creating byHopendAnchor so it is a very special stone for me.

  • Celestite: Celestite is said to be an angelic stone and it looks like something an angel created. I love the light blue colour and the way it's naturally formed. Celestite is a great tool for meditation on any subject, bringing in perfect angelic universal energy to enhance your efforts. It can lend its essence to reduce and eliminate worry, fear and anxiety and bring hope. (Which of course I love) Connected to both Crown and Throat chakras.

  • Aragonite: They are excellent crystals to aid with healing the earth, often referred to as "The conservationists stone". Because of their structure, they send light out in a variety of different directions, to create an outcome of heightened light and energy in their surroundings. I love the way this cluster feels in the palm of your hand.  Whilst keeping you connected to the earth for stability throughout, Aragonite can shine light onto difficult situations which we may have avoided for sometime. Uncovering hidden darkness and shining light straight onto it, aiding you to face and work through these emotions until there is only light.

  • Amethyst: Sometimes referred to as the artists stone. Emotionally, amethyst is used in crystal healing  to help heal personal losses and grief. Amethyst has a gently sedative energy that can promote peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. It also is said to bring emotional stability and inner strength. This stability and strength not only helps one hold firm in one's life, but it can enhance flexibility and cooperation. To be flexible at need is a sure sign of strength. Any added strength we can gain in our lives is a gift. This is a beautiful one.

  • Tigers eye: Tiger’s Eye is ever vigilant, bringing sharpness to one’s inner vision and better understanding of the cause and effect of each situation. It encourages one to use their powers wisely, and allows scattered information to be brought together to a cohesive whole. Tiger’s Eye supports necessary change in all aspects of one’s life, strengthening the will and clarity of intention in order to manifest at the highest level. It inspires creativity and utilizing one’s talents and abilities, and is superb for stimulating wealth and the good judgement needed to maintain it.

Q: I remember being a bit skeptical the first time I was introduced to healing stones. It felt a bit “woo woo” but now I have such a deep appreciation and understanding for them. I always try and say to someone who’s new to them, at the very least, stones come from the earth and our connection to the earth is so powerful, especially for grounding. Then of course, the meaning can only expand from there. What would be your “spiel” to someone who thinks it’s a practice that is “woo woo” and “out there”?

A: I think anything that brings you a greater connection to the earth or to a more positive place in your mind and heart is a wonderful thing. Whatever that object may be. For me this is crystals and healing stones. Each stone like each person you meet has its own unique qualities and brings something different to your life. Some you may not connect with others you feel a strong bond to. Any kind of reminder for a more loving and positive daily life is something I will always be open to and encourage others to try.

Q: Ok, so I’ve got my crystal for my current intention… Now what?

A: The more research and the more time you spend with your crystals the more you discover what works for you. I'm all about individual experiences and preferences. I like to carry certain stones around with me day to day. When I have thought about what I feel I need to focus on, that will then determine the stone/crystal choices I make. Certain stones are great meditation aids and I find if I'm struggling to find a quiet centre holding a particular stone in the palm of my hand can be a great tool to help you focus in on your practice. Choosing maybe 3/4 of the stones healing qualities to focus on is great for me when carrying a crystal or manifesting. Focusing on how you could bring more of those things into your personal life and daily experience, using the crystal as a beautiful reminder of those qualities. The more often you do this the more natural it becomes and your crystal knowledge will expand so quickly! Helping you to Let the stones natural energy guide you and assist in manifesting your magical hopes and desires. From dream jobs to simply finding an hour of peace and quiet in the mental chatter.

Q: What are common misconceptions about healing stones?

A: I think it's like anything in life, if we don't know anything about it sometimes our reaction can be to shun or discard the idea. But if we're open to new things and ideas we sometimes discover something magical and possibly life changing. For me healing crystals is a two way energy relationship. Yes, the stone holds its own vibrational wonderful energy, but we must also add our energy and contribute to its power. Forming a connection. Some may only see beautiful rocks and shiny crystals yes, but when we let ourselves see more than what our eyes can perceive we discover much more within these small treasures from the earth.

Q: I’ve seen stones sold in retail stores but I know there are reliable sources to buy stones. Why is this important and any suggestions for where to find healing stones in major cities or online?

A: I have never bought crystals online, only in stores. Most crystal shops will be able to tell you where the crystal came from and how it was obtained. This is very important to know & find out. So you know your crystal is coming from a safe and natural environment.

Being on tour was fantastic because I could explore various shops around the country for my favourite crystal sourcing. Your home city is most likely hiding an Aladdin's cave of crystal magic, find it and get curious!

Q: Who or what inspires you?

A: If I could, I would write more than a 10 page list but I'll focus on an important aspect. My friends inspire me. I have some of the most incredible and brave friends. Warriors of life and taking leaps of faith. Not just in the arts but day by day. I'm inspired by anyone who is bold and brave enough to keep their hearts strong and strive for what they dream of. I stand by anything that's true and directly from the heart. Surround yourself with warriors.

Q: What’s your advice for...

  • Aspiring performers?

    • Stay inspired, be curious. Challenge yourself and never forget why you started in the first place. Share your creativity with others, I promise it will only bring much more to your experience. Planting seeds makes more flowers, make more artists!  Acknowledge the inner voice but give it no power, especially in difficult times. Yes.  There will be some of those. Yes. You might doubt everything you know. They will pass. You got this.

  • Anyone interested in integrating healing stones into their wellness practice?

    • Find your local crystal and wellness shop, ask questions. Lots of questions. Find a crystal that resonates with you. Make sure you hold it. It's not only about the appearance, I always know which crystal fits me by the feeling I get when its in my hand. -I've been drawn to a crystal before with my eyes and had it literally jump out of my hand each time I tried to pick it up, clearly my heart disagreed with my eyes.  We don't always choose them sometimes they choose us hehe.

 Q: How can healing stones be beneficial backstage or when integrated into a performer’s lifestyle?

A: I always have crystals in my dressing room, it's great to have something to anchor to before a show and during. Especially given the amount of crazy different energies flying around one building. For example when sharing a dressing room fluorite is a great crystal to have around. Helping to clear chatter and focus your personal energy, enhancing concentration and removing anxiety. Balancing chaotic vibrations. Which is always a great thing to have in any shared space. Having the stones with me helps me work through high pressure situations, big opening nights and challenging/demanding roles. Having something to hold onto and anchor yourself is so important to me.

My passion for crystals has also taken me on a new adventure. For the past six months I have been working on crystal jewellery. It originated in New York when I found an Opalite that I wanted to have closer to my body than in my pocket. So I began to experiment with ways of doing this myself. I then went on to creating more crystal pendants. It's become a new and exciting creative outlet for me that enables me to creatively combine two passions of mine and I'm really happy to be able to share this with everyone! Look out for ByHopeandAnchor on Etsy. Launching VERY SOON! :)


Instagram @DaneilleHope26 |  Twitter @DanielleHope26  |