Fit For Broadway

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#FFB: Cassie Silva

I knew Cassie was both an amazing person and performer because we share so many close CA friends who are always singing her praises. (My best friend from college is also a close friend of hers and helped tape her singing audition for Rock of Ages! Woot woot!) She is such a beautiful person and radiates the kind of energy that is just good for the soul! Rockin her body all over Broadway since she was 21,


BIOGRAPHY: I'm Cassie Silva and I'm rockin out on the great white way, here in NYC.  I’ve been in love with storytelling since I was a kid. Being an LA native, I got my start in TV/Film. I stumbled into theater and have loved playing Young Groupie and covering Sherrie Christian & Regina in Rock of Ages. I'm a triple threat through & through and I enjoy keeping my back pocket jam packed with ninja stars and power ballads. Fitness & health has always been a passion of mine and I’m thrilled to be a part of Fit For Broadway.


Q: What is the most physically challenging part of performing?

A: The most physically challenging part of performing is the behind the scenes. The flights of stairs you have to climb up and down in 4 inch heels, the 8 second costume changes, the set moves, etc. Most of my second act is costume changing from The Sunset Strip to The Venus Club. There are multiple times that I have to completely change outfits. I have such high respect for our costume department. They have thought every piece out so that it can work as quickly and efficiently as possible. I couldn’t do it without the magic of our crew. One of my favorite changes is from my thigh high leather boots into my double strapped quick rigged hot pink, rattle snake high heels (say that 10 times fast). I will come flying around the corner into a chair, grabbing on to the back for dear life as one of our amazing ninja dressers gets on their knees and pulls my boots off. Some times we get a good laugh when I fall off the chair. It’s another physical beast back there. Some times I can barely put PJ’s on when I get home. But totally worth it!Q: How would you describe your fitness routine?

A: Push & Pace! I really tune in & listen to what my body needs from moment to moment. My body is my instrument. I try to balance the high cardio of the show with a morning yoga or pilates class.

Classes I love:  TONE Pilates in Astoria

I also enjoy different movement from our sharp and sassy choreography. I’ll take a ballet class, tai chi, spin or circuit training. Some days I take a long walk, breathe and relax. I meditate. I like to stay conditioned so that I stay as safe as possible and enjoy the physical demands. We’re professional athletes. I love when our stage manager, Justin Scribner, tells people in talkbacks that we’re the Olympians of our field.Q: How do you keep your voice healthy?

A: Some good habits that I keep in my tool belt:

-Supported speaking

-Not shouting in loud spaces (I talk high and loud enough as it is!)

-Rest (zZZ)

-Proper vocal warm-up


-Proper Breathing


Voice products I love:

-Singer’s Saving Grace spray

-Glycerin (to coat the throat)

-Throat Coat Tea or Syrup

-Raw, Local Honey (Andrew’s from the Union Square Farmer’s Market is the BEST)

-Vick’s Steamer

-Coconut water (Harmless Harvest is the

-Crane Cool Mist Humidifier (My cat, Mr. Columbus is hopelessly devoted to it! I affectionately nicknamed it “HER”, after the Joaquin Phoenix film.)

Home Remedy:


+Water +Cayenne Pepper +Fresh Ginger +Lemon = Warm Fuzzy DELICIOUSNESS!

*Juice Generation does a yummy rendition of this

Q: Do you follow a specific diet?

A: I followed the Paleo Diet pretty religiously for a few years before it was a thing. I actually came to it somewhat naturally and then had a friend tell me about Robb Wolf’s book. I need my body to be ready for action at all times. I’m not able to be at my best when I’m putting certain things into my system. I still eliminate cow dairy, wheat and processed meats and other products. I notice a difference right away if I slip or don’t realize. Luckily, a lot of places are changing their products to be more whole. I’ve found my groove in moderation. Some times I’m an oozy gooey chocolate chip cookie (gluten free of course).

Optimal health is key. One of my favorite things to do is visit the Farmer’s Market. Union Square is my favorite! It’s a really easy way to support local & sustainable foods. Everything tastes wholesome & fresh. The farmers truly love and care about their products and it shows. I love to try different seasonal veggies or apples.

One of my favorite cheat eats:

- Victory Garden Local Goat Soft Serve (You’re reading that right. Add some local halvah and lavender on top… WHAT! You’re welcome.)

Q: What is your favorite energy-boosting snack/meal?

A: Apple and roasted unsalted nuts. I also love the new Vega bars. They’re a great source of plant protein, vitamins & probiotics. I try to keep one on hand for emergencies.

Q: What is your favorite late night snack after performances?

A: Eggs, pumpkin with cinnamon & cardamom, sweet potatoes or beets…. Wow. I promise it’s more eventful than it reads.. haha! I love a warm cup of bone broth or herbal tea too!

Q: What is your best advice/strategies to fight fatigue?

A: Don’t get me wrong, I love a good nap.. But, I think being fatigued is a great thing. I can only be so lucky to have the opportunity to be tired. It means I’m doing something.

— I meditate when I’m fatigued. It’s soul candy. I also FaceTime with my nephew. He’s 6 and hilarious. I secretly use him for his energetic wave and perspective. He always gives me a boost.

Q: What is your best advice for stage confidence?

“Own what you know.” - A Wise Mentor

(Cassie congratulating newlyweds in Central Park) : )

Q: Who or what inspires you?

A: Oh my goodness! I could list handfuls of artists that inspire me. In a place like NYC, all you have to do is look around with an open mind and heart. Everything is food for thought. We’re all in it together. That’s so inspiring!

Q: How does your physical fitness affect your performance abilities?

A: Mind/Body connection. You gotta have a solid foundation before your build.

Q: Tips on finding the time to stay physically/vocally fit?

A: Get creative! Build a community surrounding your lifestyle. Have a tea & jam sesh with friends. Do what you love, what feels good and right, right NOW.

Q: What is your advice for those trying to perform on Broadway?

A: Lead with love.. At every turn, at all costs.

Say YES!! — Better yet, say HECK YES!!