Fit For Broadway

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#FFB: Albert Guerzon

Albert's mind-body-spirit approach to health is obvious from the second you meet him! There's a definite confidence and ease to people who have that amazing balance down and he's a great example! Between doing flips in Central Park during the photo shoot, he filled me in on his passion for giving back as an artist and an amazing show he co-wrote that seriously sounds like a gem! Can't wait to see it! Albert's balance and positive approach to life as an artist makes him Fit for Broadway!

BIOGRAPHY: I'm very thankful and blessed to have worked in this crazy and beautiful community for over 10 years.  I don't like to count how many Broadway shows I've been in or that my friends have been in.  I think a lot of times it's the smaller yet to be produced pieces and roles that inspire me.  I'm not great at one thing but I'm a great faker. I'm a "fake it till ya make it" kinda of guy and have somehow made a career.  I went to AMDA but don't have a college degree but that has pushed me to hustle and work so that piece of paper that I don't have never holds me down.  I went to the college of life.  I am a huge dog lover and pitbull advocate.  I have 2 dogs. A half lab half pit and a coonhound who I swear is a shape shifter. I start every morning with an early zen and therapeutic walk with my beautiful wife Ester, the pups and my protein shake. I believe in practice and prayer and carpe diem!


Q: How do you define health?

A: Health to me is balance.  The quality of your years not the quantity.

Q: You mentioned you grew up around church, athletics, and music. How do those still influence you today regarding your health, fitness, and wellness?

A: Church, athletics and music has taught me to "work hard pray hard."  The athletics have given me discipline, drive and taught me how to accept failure. It's also has given me some hobbies and good habits that keep me in shape for work today.  I grew up singing in my church choir and my father thought he was Frank Sinatra.  My strong faith and those jazz standards are still with me today. At a young age I started reading self-help books for inspiration.  I believe that you should always work on 3 strengths.  Your physical, mental and spiritual strength.  The physical obviously for good health and to be in shape for the job you want.  Mental to stay focused regardless of your emotional state and spiritual to realize the big picture of your life and the life after.  Life isn't about getting a Broadway show or another Broadway credit.  Anyway, I think all of those foundations have kept me positive when I'm employed and unemployed.

Q: Can you recommend some self-help books?

A: My two favorite books are The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth and Failing Forward both by John C. Maxwell.  "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" by Richard Bach is another inspiring one that's right up there. All great reads that remind me to live my life, push myself and practice positive energy.

John C. Maxwell is one of my favorite authors!! : ) My personal favorites are Make Today Count, How Successful People Think, and Today Matters. Another great author I love is Matthew Kelly, who wrote The Rhythm of Life.  - J. 

Q: You’re a Beachbody Coach! Can you explain what that entails and how it keeps you motivated with your personal fitness?

A: Beachbody is the company behind workout DVDs like Insanity and P90X and T25. What a Beachbody coach does is help people live healthier lifestyles by monitoring and coaching them through an entire Beachbody fitness program.  Progress pics, meal planning, workout accountability etc.  It's so rewarding in more ways than one. Keeps me in check too. Being a Beachbody Coach has kept me accountable for staying healthy and has sort of turned me into a life coach at times.  My wife and I lead challenge groups and help people reach their fitness goals.  It's beautiful to see progress in their fitness. It's even cooler to see how friendships and support for divorces, deaths, and successes come out of these workout accountability groups.  These groups are therapy in more ways than one.

Q: What’s your ideal workout?

A: It's tricky with an 8 show week but I love me a good Insanity or T25 workout.  I love getting endorphins going before a show.  I may complain about being sore when I'm going up to my dressing room 6 flights up but it's good pain.  I also love me a good hot yoga class.  Although I haven't been in a while I think it's a great way to sweat and give yourself physical and mental therapy at the same time.

Q: I think giving back as an artist and creating community contributes a lot to health. Connection with people is good for the soul. Can you tell me about your work with Starlight Children’s Foundation and NAFCON?

A: I love Starlight Childrens Foundation!  It's a great organization that helps uplift the spirits of ill children and their families.  Every year I get some friends from the Broadway Community together with the amazing Starlight staff for our "Broadway meet and greet."  It's basically a jam session with these amazing kids. Friends and I sing, dance, dress up in goofy costumes to make these kids forget their sick even just for a few hours.  It makes our hearts SO FULL!

NAFCON (National Alliance For Flilipino Concerns) is an organization we've teamed up with for a number of concerts and events.  More recently for Typhoon Haiyan relief in the Philippines. I love teaming up with friends, Filipino and non Filipino, who help bring awareness just by singing a simple song.  Sometimes CNN doesn't give smaller countries the attention they need for assistance.  I think it's our duty as artists and people to give back even if we're far from being "A List" celebs.

Q: Tell me about your hiatus from Broadway and what brought you back.

A: I took a break for almost 3 years.  I was newly engaged and Ester and I owned a Filipino Fusion restaurant.  I figured just like the arts, big risk big reward.  We dedicated many early mornings to late nights at "Barkada."  It means friends in Filipino. I turned down auditions and teaching opportunities.  I did a quick Tony Awards performance with my Mamma Mia Family during that time.  Soon after I was asked to join the National tour.  It was good money and I needed to "shake ma booty." I went on the road for about 4 months then soon after returned to Broadway when a track opened up.

Q: What’s your personal nutrition and diet to help you perform at optimal capacity?

A: I'm a huge fan of Shakeology.  Beachbody's protein shake.  I literally have it every morning and in the middle of my day.  I EAT A LOT.  I do so much cardio at work it's hard to keep muscle on my body. Other than that I don't really have a regimen.

Q: How do you manage stress and overall mental wellness?

A: I meditate and pray a lot.  I don't mean to be redundant but it's the truth. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.  So as long as I stay pro active and breathe, all will happen the way it's supposed to.  I'm also like a dog sometimes.  I good workout gets out some pent up energy and stress.

Q: What is your best advice/strategies to fight fatigue?

A: When I'm fighting fatigue during a show I hydrate like crazy and before and during scenes I breathe real deep into my lungs.  Sometimes audibly like an old man. It gets oxygen to my brain and muscles. You can feel it.

Q: Who or what inspires you?

A: A lot of people.  I love the people who don't complain but create.  I love that Lin Manuel Miranda wrote "In The Heights" and starred in it.  Nia Vardalos ,"My Big Fat Greek Wedding", did the same.  I am also a huge fan of swings and understudies.  I think sometimes they don't get the credit they deserve and they save their shows countless times. I don't have that talent but I really respect those that do.  Those go getter and unsung hero spirits inspire me.

Q: What is your advice for those trying to perform on Broadway?

A: Get some thick skin! Don't be shady and learn from EVERYONE!

Q: And lastly, can we hear a little bit about the show you wrote and how we can support?!

A: I co wrote a show called Sunnyvale with my talented friend from AMDA, Johnny Estling and music co writer Christian Almiron. We're currently rehearsing for some early readings and God willing get this baby produced and staged in the near future.  My parents owned 2 adult homes and that's where the inspiration came from. It's about a musician who finds inspiration from residents who once were artists themselves.  It's whimsical, it's soulful and inspiring.  I feel honored to be working on it with an amazing group of friends.