#FFB: Angelo Soriano
Angelo is such a light! I connected with Angelo through FFB Book Club Chief, Ahren and I knew, as a swing, Angelo would have a wealth of knowledge about lifestyle tidbits to stay sharp and ready for anything in Agrabah and NYC. I also love how much he values community and the Broadway backstage bonds; one of the most significant components of maintaining a lifestyle FIT FOR BROADWAY!
NOTE FROM ANGELO: Hi, I'm Angelo but close friends call me "Gelo" (Jell-o) for short. I'm currently a "swing" in Aladdin on Broadway. In my spare time outside of the The New Amsterdam Theater, I love creative videography/photography, music composition and production, awesome food-ventures, and building/flying FPV quadcopters... #PROUDNERD.
“Fit for Broadway” Tank from FITFORBROADWAYAPPAREL.COM | Click HERE
Q: Can we start from the beginning… What’s been your journey to Broadway?
A: I'm a proud native of The Philippines! I immigrated here when I was only nine years old. Started as a percussionist in 7th grade band then eventually joined choir and theatre and commenced dance training during my high school career. For my first Broadway show, seeing Wicked during our 11th grade NYC choir trip inspired me to pursue what I am so lucky to now call "my profession".
Q: How have health and fitness been intertwined into your journey as a performer?
A: I'm so glad to be a part of #FFB because performing TWELVE MALE ENSEMBLE TRACKS and TWO UNDERSTUDY ROLES takes quite the mental and physical discipline! My daily intake of proper greens and protein help me gain the mental clarity to perform any given track at any given moment. And of course, I love my daily weight training session which keeps my "Agrabody" physically able and, hopefully, visually appealing. HAH
Q: Any other holistic practices to stay #BalancedOnBroadway?
A: I wish this answer had something more along the lines of "meditation" for me as I know that works so well but to be honest, I do what's best for MY mind which is a pretty hyperactive multi-stimulated lifestyle. I just love learning and staying curious.
Q: How important is your nutrition as a Broadway performer?
A: CRUCIAL. I cannot compartmentalize 14 very different roles if my head is cloudy from a poorly timed pizza consumption. Yes, pizza is my friend but maybe not before a show where the "food coma" hits you right before "Friend Like Me".
Q: Fill in the blanks.
A: The best part of working on Broadway is… COMMUNITY. BONDS. FRIENDSHIPS. MY AGRABROTHERHOOD. And inspiring the next generation!
The most challenging part of working on Broadway is… Endurance. Mental and physical. 8 shows a week can take a toll on you, but learning to fight through it while maintaining the integrity of the show is so worth it.
Q: Who or what inspires you?
A: My lady, and P.I.C., helps me keep my feet on the ground in times where my dreamer head may go beyond the clouds. I believe in that balance. She's the best muse.
Q: What’s your advice for aspiring performers who have their sights set on Broadway?
A: I encourage them to dream. No one ever got anywhere just by looking back at what they already have. Instead, use those resources to push you even further in your art. Find your weakness and work on it until something ELSE is your weakness. THEN, work on that. Remember, if you can dream it, you can achieve it!
Q: BROADWAY INSPIRES ME TO BE _____________________.
A: Myself. It's a great time to be on Broadway where every race, color, sexuality and creed are all well represented. I hope someone else gets to see me perform and say "LOOK! I can be up there on that stage, too!" As I mentioned, one of the best parts of working on the B-WAY is community. The more we promote this sense of mixed-bag camaraderie, the sooner we can create a model we hope to expand across the nation and across the world. #loveislove
Instagram: @gelosaurus | @gelosaurus pretty much ANYWHERE!