#FFB: Ashley Fitzgerald

Ashley and I met after a performance of Gigi (introduced by our mutual gal pal, Mahri!) I then went on to see her in On the Town & Trip of Love and this girl is absolutely worth following all over the Great White Way! :) She is a wildly talented performer, like can't-take-your-eyes-off-her-talented. Ashley is a star onstage and an absolute girl next door offstage. I'm pretty pumped to hit up Pilates with this beauty who's mastered what it takes to be Fit for Broadway!

Note from Ashley: Hey There!!! My name is Ashley Blair Fitzgerald and I live on the Upper West Side with my husband and dog Billy Joel, who should really have a feature of his own done. This year, I made my Broadway Debut in Gigi. I later left Gigi to join the cast of On The Town and early September I joined the cast of Trip of Love. I've toured America 4 times in Fosse, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Dirty Dancing and Come Fly Away. I found Pilates through injury and loved it so much I decided to become certified in it. I'm currently performing in the Off Broadway hit Trip of Love. I'm beyond honored to join the amazing group of people you have worked with!

“You Are Enough” Pullover from Fit for Broadway Apparel(click HERE or click the picture!)

“You Are Enough” Pullover from Fit for Broadway Apparel

(click HERE or click the picture!)


Q: Girl, you are a fierce, Fierce dancer!! I have gotten to see you in all three shows this year, which I’m sure has been a whirlwind! Where did it all start? What was your journey to Broadway?

A: Thank you so much!!! I'm so happy to have hooked up with you!!! I think fitforbroadway.com is beyond fierce. What a wonderful platform to mold 2 amazing things. You should be so proud of what you have accomplished!

(thanks Ashley, literally blushing! -J.) 

So my journey... It all started with me following my big sister to dance class.  I wanted to be just like her. Then I discovered I wanted to be more like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. And once I discovered Ann Margret, I was done for. Broadway was in my future.

I took voice, ballet, pointe, jazz, tap and modern five times a week while the weekends were filled with learning classical variations and contemporary pieces. Every summer was filled with ballet camps like ABT and Joffrey.  One would think I was destined for the ballet world, but I had this well endowed chest that would keep from going that route. When I turned 13, I was accepted into BTP's summer camp, in which I became one of the youngest people ever to be accepted into the program. Thank goodness because my first job, the national tour of Fosse, came from my attending that camp!

I attended The Boston Conservatory for a semester followed by my first professional job, the national tour of Fosse, where I got to tour the world for over a year. I moved to NYC when I was 21. I spent the next seven years "building" my resume. Radio City, Trip of Love, Cats, Dirty Dancing and Smash were just a couple of the fun projects I got to be involved with.

Then came Come Fly Away. Working with Twyla Tharp changed the way I approached dancing as well as acting. They weren't  just something I did onstage. They were something I would prep all day and night for. I felt like a quarterback for an NFL team (like say the Steelers:):))

When that tour ended, I was ready to tackle anything! Except being patient. I wouldn't make my Broadway debut for another 2 years. Instead of wallowing in my misery, I continued to work on my craft. I took as many voice and dance classes as I could. Eventually, when the time was right, broadway presented itself to me. First Gigi then On The Town and now Trip of Love. They say when it rains, it pours. Well this year has been a flooded with endless possibilities. I really feel lucky and grateful for every opportunity that has come my way.

Q: Dancing at the level you’ve been this last year, it must have taken some serious conditioning! How did fitness play a role in preparing you for each show?

A: I take ballet about 3 times a week as well as Pilates!  Working on my core has truly changed my dancing.  Funny story... After a rehearsal for Come Fly Away, Twyla asked me how I stayed fit. I explained I did yoga and ballet. She promptly grabbed my stomach with her hands, shook it and said, "All you need to do is abdominal work. You have no clue where your center is". First, I died. Then, I listened.  Now, I won't dance a single step with out doing my Pilates series of 5 abdominal exercises as well as a whole ballet barre.

Q: #FoodisFuel How do you make sure you’re fueling properly with healthy food when you’re putting such high demands on your body?

A: I try to be Gluten Free as well as cutting out heavy creams. I love my cereal, almond milk and cup of coffee in the morning!!  During the day I'm perfectly happy with some avocado toast and good veggie juice!!  Before a show or in between shows, I usually eat something high in protein like a veggie omelette. Most of my eating is geared towards how much energy will it give me and being able to fit into my costume. Lol. I do love sweets!!! My favorite thing to do is go for a walk with my husband and dog and get a treat from Magnolia Bakery! It's all about balance.

Q: You’re a pro at conditioning your body. Any advice for conditioning your mind and spirit? How do you find the balance?


  • Sleep! I need at least 8 hours or I'm no good.

  • Family. My husband is my rock. He lets me know if the crazy is taking over.

  • Ever since I moved to the city, some 11 years ago, I've always tried to go home to Maryland every other month. It recharges me in a way that nothing else can.

Q: You’re a certified Pilates instructor too!! Pilates is my favorite and has cured so many of my aches and pains. How did Pilates intertwine into your journey and how does it help you stay fit for Broadway?

A: When I was doing Come Fly Away I kept getting injured. Our PT had me doing a lot of cross training exercises, some of which included Pilates. My body really took to them and I believe it saved me from massive injuries.

After Come Fly Away, work was a little hard to come by. I wanted something to focus on so I decided to go through the Power Pilates certification program. Changed my life!!! Made me a better student/teacher/person!!!

Q: Top 3 fitness/health tips for performers?


  1. Always go back to the basics. When done correctly, they are the hardest and most affective.

  2. Cross training is a gem.

  3. Water, sleep, eat. Repeat.

Q: Did anything surprise you about the professional lifestyle after becoming a Broadway performer?

A: I've spent most of my career touring. The idea of staying put was a beautiful thing to me. But when I actually had to stay put, I realized I had become a gypsy. All I wanted to do was figure out how to travel. You can't do that on Broadway.

Other than that, broadway is no different than any other show I've done!

Q: Finish the phrase…

A: The best part about being on Broadway is… I get to live out my dream!
The biggest challenge about being on Broadway is…To constantly remind yourself to cherish it. It could be taken away at any moment.

Q: Who or what inspires you?

A: My husband. My mother. My father. My siblings. My nieces and nephews.

Ann Margret. Ann Reinking.

Being in a room with amazing dancers and creating.

Q: What’s your advice for performers who are working towards a career on Broadway?

A: Take as many classes as you can. Never stop working. Success is something you constantly have to work towards. It will NEVER happen over night.


Instagram @abfitz917



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