Fit For Broadway

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#FFB: Paul & Paloma, Broadway couple

I could not be more excited to feature Paul Schaefer & Paloma Garcia-Lee as my first Fit for Broadway Couple. Research shows that exercise produces many positive benefits in relationships and these two are proof of that! It’s no surprise they have so much joy professionally and personally with wonderful personalities that complement each other so well. Incredibly passionate about fitness, health, Broadway and each other...

Paul & Paloma are FIT FOR BROADWAY!

Added bonus, they met during Phantom, which is my dream musical! …So this photo shoot and interview were such a treat for me! I am so lucky to feature individuals who inspire me so much! Thank you Paul & Paloma!! : )

Oh! And did anyone see Paloma in Broadway Bares?! It was PHENOMENAL! I was blown away. #SeriouslyFITforBroadway

Paul Schaefer: I'm a slightly obsessed-at-everything I do kinda person, who deeply loves Crossfit, the movies "300," X-men 1&2, and any Wes Anderson film ever made, good salted dark chocolate and anything with bacon, and listens to everything from Diplo to Martin Sexton. I came to the city after getting a musical theatre degree at University of Michigan (go blue!) and slaved away at Ruby Foo's in Times Square for years until they fired me.  Then I started booking shows, off bway, some regional, some horrible showcase contracts and some brilliant out of town workshops, until I had to throw my tap shoes on for the first national of THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE.  When I came home I was lucky enough to debut in PHANTOM, and have been there for almost 3000 shows (I'll let you work out how many years that is).  I will always be grateful to PHANTOM, as it introduced me to my fiancé and fierce ballerina Paloma, who I am marrying in the Alps in Switzerland in August 2014 (I know!! It's amazing!!). I've done the requisite LAW&ORDER and GUIDING LIGHT guest stars that many NYC actors do, among tons of other projects. I am so happy at this stage of my life, and am living my vision for what life should be in so many ways. I look forward to all the shows and challenging projects ahead.

Paloma Garcia-Lee: Hi! Im Paloma and I am a super passionate 23 year old little lady living out all my dreams in New York City! I come from a family of artists. My parents have a long list of incredible accomplishments in the arts - my mother was a Broadway performer and dancer and my dad an incredible musician, lighting designer, scenic designer, writer and that is just the tip of the iceberg of the incredible life they have led! My mom now owns an incredible performing arts and dance school in Bucks County, PA (The Pennsylvania School of the Performing Arts) and that is where I began my training when I was really young. I have always been around performers, in the theater, in the studio and it was just destiny that I too would be in this crazy business. I was on a track to be a ballet dancer for a long time and spent my summers studying with American Ballet Theater, Kaatsbaan Extreme Ballet and Complexions Contemporary Ballet just to name a few. I left home at 14 to go to the North Carolina School of the Arts for Ballet, but ended skipping my junior year there and transferring over to the school of Drama before graduation. I moved to New York soon after my 17th birthday and made by Broadway debut within my first 4 months living here in the Phantom of the Opera on Broadway!  I have done more than 1,500 performances of The Phantom of the Opera between my time spent on Broadway and the National Tour. Nice Work If You Can Get It is one of the most special experiences I have ever had in my life. I met some of my best friends there and I have never had so much fun onstage as I did in that show. Working with Kathleen Marshall was a total dream! I am about to get married to Paul in Switzerland and I couldn’t be more excited. I am marrying the most outstanding human being and the man of my dreams and I have never in my life known love like I know it now. We get back from the wedding and I will have 24 hours before I begin rehearsals for my 3rd Broadway show! Hint: It’s about Sailors. The theater is on 42nd street and we start previews on September 20th! I am unbelievably grateful and blessed for all of the things in my life. My family is my rock and I am just more inspired than I have ever been before to keep dreaming and working hard and living life to the absolute fullest! This is just the beginning and I can’t wait to see where it all takes me!

Q: How did you meet?

A: Paul-We met and became good friends at PHANTOM.. in 2008.  I had been in the show for a year and a half, and Paloma joined the cast for her Broadway debut. She then left to go on the tour, but we stayed in touch while she was on the road.  Then she rejoined the Broadway company in 2011, and we never looked back.

Check out these amazing articles on exercise+relationships! -J

"Couples that Sweat Together, Stay Together" from Psychology Today

"The Perfect Workout Partner" from The Huffington Post, Healthy Living

Q: How have you helped each other reach your goals (fitness, health, & Broadway)?

A: Paul- We have always been so supportive of each other in all areas… I think that’s so important in a healthy relationship.  I don’t need much encouragement in fitness, and she’s dancing her butt off all the time, so mostly we care for each other’s sore muscles.  We believe it’s important to be healthy for yourself, but also for your partner.  We want to live healthy together as long as we can in this lifetime.  As for career goals, I am overwhelmed by her encouragement, and I absolutely love to watch her succeed and support her.

Q: What is your favorite date night (or day) healthy meal?

A: Paloma- We love to go to Spring Kitchen, on the UWS.  They have a fantastic miso-glazed salmon, and all of their items are locally farmed and super fresh.  We also have a love for high-end cocktails— perhaps not the healthiest choice, but after an 8 show week, a perfectly crafted Old Fashioned at a bar like Pouring Ribbons is a nice treat.  Because they use high end and fresh ingredients, the next morning is much easier to deal with.

Q: What is it like when you get the opportunity to work together?

A: Paul- We have been blessed to have many contracts together at PHANTOM, and I can’t tell you how happy it makes us both.  Taking the subway and having all those evenings together is always such a blessing.  I find myself in withdrawal when she moves on to other projects.

Q: What challenges as a couple do you face with such demanding schedules?

A: Paloma- We’ve had different show schedules, and not having a day off together is pretty miserable.  Also when we have a lot of rehearsal days, we only can catch a few hours at night, sometimes for a whole week or two, and we love to have as much time together as possible.  We are thankful to be in the same business together so we understand the ebbs and flows.

Q: What are ways you help keep your relationship strong with all of your individual demands?

A: Paul-We prioritize each other.  We haven’t had to deal with being apart, or one of us getting a tour, but we’ve made a pact to be with one another no matter what. There will be no long breaks for us.  I think you just have to make it a priority to be with one another.  What’s the point otherwise? Love is everything.

Q: If you could play any on-stage couple, who would it be?

A: We have no idea… Something happy.  We will tell you one day when we do it!


Coming soon: Paul and Paloma's individual features on FFB!!