#FFB: Chris Dawn
Chris is as sweet as they come!.. showing up with a giraffe birthday card for me after finding out it was my birthday on the day of our FFB photoshoot. (side note: the card has become my Flat Stanley and is currently frolicking around London) Chris is a man after my own heart with a healthy obsession for boxing for all of the rewards it can offer to create balance in mind, body, and spirit. In every way, Chris is hitting all the marks to keep him soaring and FIT FOR BROADWAY!
NOTE FROM CHRIS: Hi Fit for Broadwayers! I'm Chris Dwan - currently Finding (and subsequently losing) Neverland 8 times a week at the Lunt-Fontanne Theater playing Elliot, a confident, quirky and at times overzealous stage manager. I'm originally from Canton, Michigan and this is my Broadway debut!
“Audition, Audition" Men's Tank from Fit for Broadway Apparel
(click HERE or click the picture!)
Q: Chris! I got to celebrate with you on my birthday and now we get to celebrate you being on FFB today! :) Let’s start from the beginning… What was your journey like to Broadway? Where did it all start?
A: It all started when my best friend in high school (hi Lissa!) dared me to audition for our school play. At the time I was really serious about architecture - had a portfolio ready for college interviews and everything but once I started 'play practice' I never looked back. However, I unknowing had been training for a life in theater from a young age- I did gymnastics for almost 10 years growing up, was a member of several youth choirs and even went to circus school for a year and a half. I know, I know. WHAT?!
After auditioning for colleges I chose Syracuse University (GO ORANGE!) to study musical theater. Moved to the city after graduation a little over 5 years ago and now... (after lots of waiting tables, bartending and auditions) here we are- a feature on 'Fit for Broadway!'
Q: What are your top tips for staying balanced (mind, body, and spirit) as a performer?
A: This is a great question and I honestly only have one answer. Balance in this industry is all about staying happy and healthy and I really value other interests outside of our world of auditions and shows. In a world that is ever-changing my constants mean that much more to me. Of course I love my job and I love performing but contracts end and the blow hurts less when you have outside sources of joy.
Whenever I give talks to young actors I challenge them to always 'stay a student.' I think that sentiment allows you to stay open and curious yet humble and observant. There's always something to learn. Balance for me is that constant reminder that we're never the smartest person in the room. And if you are... Find another room. (Unless you're smarter than the managers at the restaurant you work at... That's beneficial)
Q: What’s your approach to fitness as a compliment to performance?
A: Fitness is directly connected to performance for me. I need my body 100% ready to perform everyday. Yes of course I want to look good, and I want abs and I want to be ready for the beach but all I NEED is for my body to be as healthy and strong as possible to do my job.
For this exact reason I take lots of boxing classes. (Title Boxing Gym on 37th and 10ave- HI GUYS!) It's an intense, full body workout that really connects all parts of your body and all aspects of movement- an hour of cardio with a 15 minute circuit training style warm up full of push-ups and squats, 30 minutes of boxing combinations on a bag, and a 15 minute (not so much) cool down for your abs and core. It's an intense hour but works me outtttttt! I feel the fittest I've ever been and have experienced less injury at work because of it.
Q: Can we play "My Weekly Workout"?!
A: This is my full schedule for a week but it's pretty dependent on my rehearsal schedule. And I alternate when my day off is week to week based on how my body's feeling-
Monday: SLEEP IN. Boxing @ 12
Tuesday: Gym (shoulders & back) Show @ 7:30
Wednesday: Gym (chest) Show @ 2. Boxing @ 6
Thursday: Gym (leg day) Show @ 7:30.
Friday: Gym (triceps & biceps) Boxing @ 5. Show @ 8
Saturday: Gym (chest) Shows @ 2&8
Sunday: Boxing @ 11. Shows @ 2&8
Q: How do you stay centered & confident in an industry that can be very challenging (and rewarding!)
A: I talk a lot about boxing (sorrrry!) but boxing enables me to clear my mind, relax and find a really nice centered, stress-less feeling - the same way others turn to yoga. I'm not one for staying still so yoga has never really resonated with me but giving 100% in a boxing class and pushing my body to the extreme keeps me stay centered.
I find a lot of power in the phrase 'meditation through concentration.' The 'concentration' can mean different things to different people but what I love about it is that in such a fast paced industry focusing on one thing at a time is much more beneficial- giving 100% to whatever you're doing at that moment. It allows you to let go of any notion that you could have tried harder, you could have done something differently etc etc and rather INVITES you to be your best self. I find a lot of peace in that especially in a world where a great deal is out of our control.
Q: #FoodisFuel What’s your advice for fueling correctly with healthy food?
A: I must preface this answer. I was that guy in college who ate 3 donuts, a bagel with cream cheese and grapes for breakfast EVERYDAY. My knowledge of healthy eating was limited to carbs, processed sugar and fast food. At the time, with my fast metabolism, that kind of food served me well - HOWEVER (biggggg however) as I've grown older I feel the difference between feeling strong and in control of my body and not. The past 5 years or so have been full of 'trial and error' eating- quite simply just seeing what makes me feel good.
Breakfast is really important for me. I like to start with a high protein granola and nut cereal with almond milk or lactaid. I think everyone is somewhat lactose intolerant so it's a nice idea to see what kind of milks work for you. Breakfast kicks you into gear so it's important to make sure it's not packed with too many sugars or fats.
I'm a big fan of snacking. I find it super helpful for maintaining my energy throughout the day. I like eating an apple on my walk to the train or spreading peanut butter (and lots of it) on pita bread during a break.
Dinner is always something high in protein and clean- usually grilled chicken with lots of steamed spinach or a sandwich with veggies.
Q: Favorite Broadway memory to date?
A: I have so many incredible memories from my experience with Finding Neverland but firsts are always really exciting- first rehearsal, first run through, first day in the theater. All of it. But out first audience was magical. On top of it being my Broadway debut - knowing that from that night on we were becoming a part of Broadway history was electric. It felt like a rock concert and we all had such a blast feeding off that audience especially with all our first preview nerves. We continue to have great audiences but that one was really special.
Q: Top 3 lessons you’ve learned about the Broadway lifestyle that you didn’t know prior to your debut?
Listen to your body! The first time you have to call out of a show is devastating. No one likes the idea that the show can happen without you but when it comes down to it- our bodies are our livelihoods and if you don't give it exactly what it needs you could end up much worse off.
After years of waiting tables and bartending I'm definitely now a morning person! With a nighttime schedule it's super easy to stay up late and sleep til 2pm but then I only have a handful of hours til the show and my day is done. Ive started to enjoy waking up early and getting to the gym to jumpstart my day and I find that I'm able to stay productive and feel more accomplished.
It's so difficult to see other shows! It's a wonderful problem to have but I'm dying to see all my friends on Broadway!
Q: What’s your advice for aspiring performers who want a career on Broadway?
A: There is a place in the theater community for everyone. Never take no for an answer.
www.chrisdwan.net | Instagram @blackdwan
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