#FFB: Jessica Vosk
So I've officially only spent a good 45 minutes with Jessica and I can honestly say I'd rank her in my top favorite humans. She's literally gold you guys and funny as all get out with an amazingly vibrant, shining heart. Yea, get in line, everyone wants to be her best friend. We spent about 5 minutes capturing her glow and the rest of the time of our "schedule photoshoot" taking selfies with a rainbow reflection on our face in Juice Press, while sipping smoothies of course. Soak up the good vibes from this lovely gal and for goodness sake, go follow her on social media for your daily dose of hilarity and a shining example of what it takes to be FIT FOR BROADWAY!
NOTE FROM JESSICA: Hi my name is Jessica Vosk and I am currently playing Fruma Sarah in the Broadway revival of Fiddler on the Roof! I'm so happy to be featured on Fit for Broadway, because I feel passionate about living a health life, with just the right amount of SASSY FLARE. Those of you who know me, know I work hard and I eat cake to celebrate...and I love you all fiercely. Girl bye!
“Choose to Shine” from Fit for Broadway Apparel
Q: Jessica, you’re legit my fav funny human to follow on Instagram. You guys if you don’t follow her, stop reading this now and go follow her. :) But seriously you make me LOL on the regular. Let’s take it back though before the days of Fruma… What was the beginning like? What was your journey to Broadway?
A: Well, interestingly enough, a few years ago I was at a full-time job on Wall Street. Doing everything financial. Dealing with investor relations. Even though I grew up with a love of music and doing community theater, I still got a "real job". And I was really good at it! LOL. But I absolutely knew that I needed to follow my dreams and my passion.
So I left. I never turned back. I was hashtag blessed with mentors who helped me through, gave me advice and threw me into tough jobs. I don't regret any of it. Not even being in a real person-wear-a-suit job. It made me stronger.
Then I booked The Bridges of Madison County, then Finding Neverland and now Fiddler!
Q: That’s amazing! #youremyhero So, I’m all about the mind body broadway situation. How does fitness and health play a role in your career?
A: Major. I need to work out to feel normal. I also have my vocal regimen to be sure that I am as healthy as possible. (Apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, green tea, steamer).
I take a lot of classes because I am competitive and I want to feel like I can spin faster or box harder than the person next to me. I know. I am THAT PERSON. I even do it in yoga (which is my fave btw.) I'm all "Oh girl, I can do that Warrior 2 pose deeper than you." I rely on other amazing people to push me harder.
Q: Food is medicine. Food is fuel. Food is amazing!! Right?! What’s your ideal complete day of food to feel your best from the time you wake up to post-show?
A: Food is my boyfriend. Hi.
So I'll wake up and have a few hard-boiled eggs. Along with oatmeal or quinoa and yogurt. I have a lot of food allergies. I am bubble girl. I need to be careful. But I need morning fuel. I am also addicted to coffee.
Lunch is a salad. Probably with bacon. No regrets. With some dried fruit, pumpkin seeds or sunflower butter on toast.
Dinner is a protein and greens and some kind of phenomenal carb. I love a wild rice/kale/chicken/avocado/mango salad. I'm obsessed with kale. But I love a side of grits or truffle fries as a little reminder that carbs are the devil's candy. BUT I DO NOT CARE.
After show-time is DANGER WILL ROBINSON. I am always hungry. And truth be told, I'm not good at being good sometimes. I also don't drink, so that's never really an issue of empty calories. But I LOVE-I repeat LOVE-a midnight cookie. Or brownie. Or bacon. Shame, Vosk. SHAME.
Q: Again, let’s just reiterate #youremyhero. On the topic of mind, body, spirit— What practices play in to your Broadway balance?
A: I must be active in other areas of my life. Broadway is wonderful, but it cannot be EVERYTHING for me. I love to hike, I have a puppy who is my new favorite baby, I love working out, going to concerts, singing in concerts outside of work...keeping my mind on it's toes. I never like to get bored. It's just not my thing. Many people ask why I do so much. I feel alive that way. Yes I am tired. But I try to live with no regrets.
Q: Do you have a pre-show ritual?
A: Pre-show I love to listen to the radio. Always Beyoncé, Colin Hay, Justin Timberlake or Paramore. I need some grooves, girl.
I have a special oil (Olbas Oil) that I rub in my hands and breathe in like crack. It opens my airway to warm up. It's amazing. Then I'll usually go crash in Melanie Moore and Jenny Baker's dressing room, because they have vocal warm ups on tape. And they're hilarious so I must do them.
Q: Top 3 tips for living healthy and Fit for Broadway?
Learn to love yourself. Mind and body. It is REALLY HARD. BUT POSSIBLE. You'll feel much healthier, trust me.
Get rest when you can. Our bodies are like those of an Olympic athlete. They need fuel and they need a lot of care.
Love what you do. Sing for Jesus. Take classes. Stay on top of your shit.
Q: If you could tell pre-Broadway Jessica one thing, what would it be?
Q: Finish the phrase…
A: The best part about being on Broadway is… Changing the lives of those who see our shows, either for the first time, or those who are so affected, they become emotional. That is my job. I am honored to do it.
The most challenging part of being on Broadway is… the schedule. 8 shows a week is a workout, and you have to get used to it. It is a lot of work. Worth it. But it's hard.
Q: Who or what inspires you?
A: I’m inspired by other women in this business who work hard and don't take NO for an answer. They push. They persevere. I'm lucky to call them colleagues and friends. They show me anything is possible.
I’m inspired by my parents. They taught me how to work hard for what I want. I watched them work their asses off for what they have, and it's something that keeps me going.
I'm inspired by the fans who follow our shows, who follow me. Who love what we do. They are the most important piece of the puzzle. I hope they know how wonderful they are.
Q: What is your advice for aspiring performers who have their sights set on Broadway?
A: No matter where you come from, no matter what your background, no matter who tells you you can't possibly do it...YES YOU CAN.
Work harder than you can imagine. Stay smart. Stay ready. Your break will come when you don't expect it. BUT IT IS POSSIBLE. Don't let any person tell you otherwise. If they do, send them to me. I'll knock some sense into 'em.
connect with jessica
JessicaVosk.com | Instagram: @JessicaVosk | Twitter: @JessicaVosk | Periscope: JessicaVosk