#FFB: John Arthur Greene
It's refreshing to cross paths with someone like John who applies both a holistic and practical approach to mind, body, spirit health. John can articulate his beliefs on spirituality as detailed and clearly as his weekly workout (warning: awesome, tough weekly workout below!!) Clarity and balance are two values I'm always striving for and John is an awesome example of both. Soak up the advice in his interview because it's a super honest and detailed account of what it means to be FIT FOR BROADWAY!
NOTE FROM JOHN: I'm John Arthur Greene and I love performing and I love being fit in body, mind and spirit // BIO: Currently playing Theo, the lead singer of “No Vacancy” in School of Rock (Broadway); American Idol Season 15 (Featured Artist), Riff in West Side Story (Broadway); Doctor, U/S Mr. Wormwood in Matilda (Broadway); Robert Mullins in Peter Pan Live (NBC); Luke in Mim (Off-Broadway); Jonathan in Tick Tick Boom… (LA); Action in West Side Story (50th Anniversary European Tour), just to name a few. JAG performs solos and his solo music all over NY, most recently singing “Gethsemane” for Andrew Lloyd Webber’s New York Times Talk and “Jailhouse Rock” for Mike Stoller’s 80th Birthday Celebration. JAG’s Single “Easy” is now available on iTunes under his own record label JAG Records. For more - www.johnarthurgreenemusic.com.
“I'm On Vocal Rest” from Fit for Broadway Apparel | click HERE or click the picture!
Q: JAG! (coolest nickname ever) I'm so excited to have you on the blog after featuring a few of your fellow SOR castmates! Let's start from the beginning... What was your journey to Broadway?
A: I grew up in the church singing for the Lord so that was my first love; but my parents introduced me to ALL types of music. Classical, Opera, Jazz, Rock, Orchestral, Blue, Soul, and especially Broadway. Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserable, Miss Saigon, Big River and Jesus Christ Superstar were staples in my household. When I was 8 my brother Thomas died tragically, which propelled me into the world of being an actor. I played many roles throughout the years. At 18 I went out on the European tour as Action in West Side Story. 2 years later I am painting my apartment and I get a phone call to audition for Arthur Laurents that day. I go in and do the audition, he looks at me and says, “I have no quarrel with you, you’re hired.” So, thanks to Joey McKneely and Arthur Laurents for giving me a chance I got to star in West Side Story on Broadway as Riff the leader of the Jets.
Q: How has health and fitness intertwined through your journey over the years?
A: Staying healthy is a constant upkeep for me and fitness is such an essential part to this career. We are literally professional athletes that do not get an off-season. The voice and body need proper hydration, so drink lots of water. Vitamins and supplements, juicing, protein shakes, and rice cakes are my friends.
Q: What are your core practices to keep balanced- mind, body & spirit?
A: Cardio, wine, hugs, juice press, nature, whiskey, making fancy dinners, and of course writing. I work out 4-6 times a week and try to keep a well rounded (full body) workout going year round. Meditation and prayer help me get connected to my body and my body connected to this earth. I hold my breath sometimes, so finding new ways to keep air moving is good. I really like hot/cold therapy.
Q: I loved hearing your beliefs about truth. How has it helped guide and ground you throughout your journey?
A: I lead with TRUTH. I believe that finding your truth is the only way to figure out who you are and what you believe. So, being ruthlessly onto yourself and never settling for the surface. Dig deep to try and understand why you stay in behaviors that lead to patterns of negativity or positivity.
Q: You have such a beautiful outlook on life. Where does it stem from?
A: I, just like so many have experienced difficulties and hardships which I channel through art. My past has made me the performer and man I am today. The ultimate goal is to help people be able to live more abundant lives. And I’ve learned, that comes when we can accept and let go of the past so we can step into our present - running towards our future.
Q: Who or what inspires you on a daily basis?
A: My faith is a huge driving force behind what inspires me daily, also my family. My grandmother is a beacon of light, she always has a smile on her face and tells me that God’s in control. And also, all of the poets and artists around the world who allow my eyes, my heart and mind to be challenged daily. I am eternally grateful.
Q: If you could offer young JAG one piece of advice, what would it be?
A: Dream so that you can dream
Sometimes you just need to listen
Don’t care what people think about you
Find your truth, and kick so much ass
Q. What’s your weekly workout schedule?
A: Here is a weeks worth of workouts calculated by my boy BG Howell at B3 Athletics.
-Dumbbell curls with twist on the way up 4x15
-Tricep push-ups 4x10 each arm
1min plank 4x1
-Dumbbell curls with palms open all the way up and down 3x15 - 20's "do them slow"
-Tricep extension with cables, rope attachment 4x15
-Wavey curl bar curls 4x15 30-40lbs
-Cable tricep extension 3x12 with 2sec hold at the bottom.
-Hold push up in downward position at 90 degrees until failure x4 sets
-Wavey bar curls x12 reps
-High knees in place 30 -sec
-20 sit ups
-15 push-ups
-Straight leg lifts x20reps
-1min plank
-Dumbbell chest press "flat bench" 4x15,12,10,8
-Sit-up Russian twist 4x20
-Dumbbell incline chest press 4x15,12,10,8
-Up-downs with push-up 4x15
-Clapping push-ups 4x10 with a 15sec hold at 90 degrees for 10 seconds
-Flat dumbbell chest press laying on the floor 4x12
-Tricep extension using rope 4x15
-Hold push-up at 90 degrees 4x30seconds
-1min plank
-Mountain climbers for 30seconds
-Laying flat on the ground, straight leg lifts for 20 reps
-Sit-ups for 20 reps
-Repeat for 4 rounds
-Lat pulls "wide grip" 4x15,12,10,8
-Updowns with push for 4x15
-Dumbbell curl shoulder press 4x12
-Lat pulls underhand close grip 4x15,12,10,8
-Straight arm, straight bar cable pulls 4x12
-Seated wide grip cable rows with bar 4x15,12,10,8
-Straight leg lift 4x20
-Seated underhand close grip cable rows 4x15,12,10,8
-Sit up Russian twist with 10lb plate on the chest
-Dumbbell twisting curls 4x12
-Cable straight bar curls 4x12
-Super set these together 45sec break and repeat
-Wavy curl bar for reverse curls 4x12
-Plate holds 35lb or 45lb plate and hold at 90 degrees for 20 seconds
-Wavy bar curls 4x20 seconds elbows
-Mountain climbers for 20 second
-Crunches for 30 reps
-Dumbbell curls for 15 reps
-1 min plank
-Repeat for 3 rounds
-Incline dumbbell press 3x12 with twist in the middle
-Lat pulls 3x12 wide grip
-Bent over dumbbell back flys 3x12.
-push up mount climber 3x12-15
-straight leg leg lifts 3x 20
-Seated cable rows 3x12
-tricep push-ups 3x10 each arm
-tricep rope ext
-1 min plank
-flat beach chest press 3x10
-3x20 set up with Russian twist
-dumbbell bent over rows 3x10 each arm. 1 arm at a time.
-mountain climbers 3x30 each leg
Finish with 10 min run on treadmill
10min warm up on treadmill at a 3-4 incline at jog speed 5.5-6.5
-Seated dumbbell shoulder press 3x12
-Seated side raises 3x12
-Sumo squats 3x12
-Dumbbell lunge curl 3x10 each leg
-standing single arm front raises with twist on the way up 3x10 each arm
-standing dumbbell shoulder shrugs 3x20
-lunge holds at 90 degrees 3x30 seconds each leg
-Squat dumbbell curl shoulder press 3x15
-Let extension 3x15 "slow"
-Leg curls 3x15 "slow
-30-40lb straight bar front curls 3x12-15
1min plank
30 sec side plank both sides
30 mountain climbers
10 tricep push-ups each arm
20 straight leg, leg lifts
20 sit-ups
Repeat for 3 rounds
10-15 mins on treadmill 6.2-8.0
-Squats 4x15,12,10,8
-Walking DB lunges with a curl shoulder press. 4x12 each leg.
-Seated DB shoulder press 4x15,12,10,8
-Seated DB side raises 4x12
-Sumo squats 4x15,12,10,8/45lb,55lb,65lb,75lb
-Jump squats 4x15
-Tricep push-ups 4x10 each arm.
-Plate up-right rows 4x12
-1min plank 4x1min
-straight leg, leg lifts 4x20-30
-Bicycles "core" 4x20 each leg
-crunches 4x30
-Mountain climbers 4x20 each leg
Q: What’s your advice for aspiring performers who have their sights set on Broadway?
A: Keep your dreams!
Embrace your imagination! Because your imagination is the one thing NO person can take away from you. It is uniquely created for you, by you. Don’t be afraid to discover a character. Do the work. Be prepared. Be nice. Get to know musicians in the pit, your stage hands and the ushers. Take the time to talk to children. Be ruthlessly passionate about whatever you do & ROCK IT OUT!
connect with john
Instagram: @johnarthurgreene | Twitter: @johnarthurG | www.johnarthurgreenemusic.com