Fit For Broadway

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#FFB: Josh Green

From the minute I met Josh, it was easy to identify that his inner strength matches his outer strength. He has an energy that could only come from being incredibly grounded and confident. He has the kind of steady confidence that inspires which makes sense considering his background as a personal trainer! Josh understands that performers are athletes and applies his knowledge of fitness to his career on Broadway making Josh FIT FOR BROADWAY!

BIO: Hi, I'm Josh Daniel Green, dancer and fitness enthusiast currently performing on Broadway in Wicked.  I previously danced for modern and contemporary dance companies Lucinda Child's DANCE, Joshua Beamish MOVE: the company, Stephen Petronio Company, and Lar Lubovitch Dance Company.  I'm also the proud dad of Punkin the French bulldog along with my partner Daniel Robinson.

"Built for Broadway" from Fit for Broadway Apparel

(click HERE or click the picture)


Q: Josh! You are as much Broadway performer as you are fitness model! Holy moly!! :) How did you originally get in to this wonderful world of Broadway?

A: Thank you!  I’ve been a dancer all of my life.  I saw a dinner theater production of 42nd Street in Minnesota when I was little and became obsessed!  I trained at Larkin Dance Studio growing up and then went on to NYU Tisch School of the Arts.  Following college, I danced professionally for modern and contemporary dance companies here in NYC.  After meeting my partner, Daniel Robinson, who was on Broadway in Hairspray, I was re-inspired and supported by him to pursue my Broadway dream from when I was a kid.  Through hard work and some fortunate meetings and auditions, I landed a spot on Broadway in Wicked.

Q: Was fitness always a part of your lifestyle? How has it evolved over the years?

A: Yes, growing up in a dance studio keeps you very active from a young age, but in college I started to cross train in the gym.  I noticed that I had more strength and it complemented my dance coursework.  When I worked for dance companies, I found that becoming a certified trainer was a great way to supplement my income and integrate fitness into my daily lifestyle.  I learned so much valuable information about the body that I used with clients and to train myself. The knowledge I gained continues to help me now!

Q: Can you describe your weekly workout routine and if there were any fitness adjustments you made after your Broadway debut?

A: I currently do resistance/strength training four times a week (I leave the cardio to dancing), with balance and core work as well.  After making my debut I realized how important it is to listen to your body - when it’s feeling great and can be pushed a bit harder, when to lay off, and what needs to be strengthened to prevent injury.

Q: Your top 3 surprising discoveries about what the lifestyle of Broadway performer is actually like! :)

A: Discoveries...

  1. Your daytime hours are mostly free when not rehearsing for the show!  I’ve had more time to focus on fitness and be involved with choreographic projects with friends.

  2. You get to keep discovering new things!  Although your show is essentially the same each night, you get to play a bit and discover nuances in the material.

  3. Broadway is a community!  The cast of Wicked is a talented bunch of people, but also some of the most kind and funny people I have had the fortune to meet.  There is a ton of support for other actors and crew in our show and in other shows.  And this community can throw together a benefit performance like none other!

Q: Food is fuel! Can you play “What I Ate Yesterday”


  • Breakfast - coffee, orange juice, two eggs with cheese, toast

  • Lunch - small chicken breast, brown rice

  • Dinner - beef, pasta, avocado

  • Snacks - apples, bananas, a pre-show treat from Bibble and Sip (coffee shop by the Gershwin Theatre)

  • Miscellaneous - after workout whey protein shake

Q: You mentioned that you changed your diet for Wicked…can you explain this transition?

A: Due to the highly physical nature of the show I found that I wasn't eating enough.  To be fueled to perform eight times a week, carbohydrates are a must!  (Along with the appropriate amount of protein and fats for athletic individuals)

Q: Who or what inspires you?

A: My partner inspires me to be the best I can possibly be - his support means everything.  Our passion is making dance films together (in addition to performing he is an accomplished videographer and editor).  We love to put our spin on more classical technique and set it in unique spaces.

Q: If you could tell pre-Broadway Josh one thing, what would it be?

A: I would tell him to soak in and enjoy every performance experience.  Everything you do has an impact on your art.  Stay open to possibilities!

Q: What is your advice for aspiring performers who want a career on Broadway?

A: Find clarity.  Clarity in your mind and body.  When I learned to drop all of the extra and excess movement, I began to really understand myself in choreography and how to tell stories in movement.

CONNECT WITH JOSH // @joshdgreen