Fit For Broadway

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#FFB: Taeler Cyrus

The sweetness is literally bursting out of Taeler! She has a beaming smile at all times and a warmth about her that makes you feel totally at ease. She certainly has the grace of a dancer and with that, it's obviously that her dedication has been the leading force providing opportunity after opportunity for her to follow her dreams. With a natural understanding of the importance of healthy living, a passion for the fitness industry, and a flourishing career on Broadway, Taeler is Fit for Broadway!

BIO: Hi! My name is Taeler Cyrus and I am currently in the ensemble of An American in Paris on Broadway, I'm a newbie instructor at Chaise Fitness and I'm a health and beauty fanatic! I'm obsessed with kittens and makeup and traveling. The beach and a margarita are pretty awesome too :)

Q: Taeler! Ok, first of all, the Chaise class you taught was fierce! What a fun workout! How did you first get involved in fitness? (personally and professionally)

A: I first got heavily involved in fitness when I was dancing in Chicago. The company I was with at the time, River North Dance Chicago was an extremely athletic company. The women were all strong and had great physiques and it was the motivation I needed to hit the gym on and off tour. Eventually, the gym became my place to clear my head. The place where I could go to feel better if I had a bad day and the place where I could make decisions that were weighing me down, like the decision to move back to NYC.

When I moved back to the city, I started looking for boutique fitness studios. I figured I enjoy group fitness and teaching. Why not become an instructor? I did my research, found Chaise Fitness and the rest just fell into place!

Q: What was your journey like to Broadway?

A: My journey to Broadway was really unexpected! I landed my first Broadway show just one month after moving back to NYC. I was dancing for River North Dance Chicago and shakily decided to move back to the city without a job. Luckily, the last round of After Midnight auditions happened as soon as I got back! Since then I've been fortunate enough to be in both After Midnight and An American in Paris. Two Broadway shows in two years, I'm still in disbelief!

Q: Describe a day in the life of Taeler… :)

A: As performers know, each day is different. Everyday I set up to be as productive as possible without wearing myself out before the show.  I wake up, have breakfast while checking email and watching Good Morning America, head out for a class or lesson or appointment mid-day.  Almost everyday I try to take a nap. (I love naps, especially between shows on a two show day.) I warm up for the show an hour before. After the show, I head home, ice my feet and roll out while watching TV or talking to my boyfriend.

Q: How would you describe your weekly fitness routine?

A: I take ballet, jazz or Pilates throughout the week, depending on my mood each day and what my body tells me it needs.  I teach at ChaiseFitness twice a week and try to take classes from my peers when there are open spots.  (It can be challenging because classes fill up quickly!) I also head to the gym for a quick workout before shows to warm up if I don't take ballet class or if I can't get to Chaise. At the gym, I'll hit the elliptical, do abs and lift light weights.

Q: You mentioned you’ve always been a pretty healthy eater…can we play “What I ate yesterday?” :)

A: What I Ate Yesterday:

  • Breakfast: Green Juice and a banana. I like to make my own juices. My favorite is: kale, spinach, lime, celery, cucumber jalapeño and green apple.

  • Lunch: kale and chicken salad combos from City Kitchen Birdbath (it's my new obsession) and unsweetened iced tea

  • Snack: Almonds and raisins (I enjoy all mixed but variations)

  • Dinner: roasted chicken, farro and spinach (homemade)

Q: What is your favorite energy-boosting snack/meal?

A: I love mixed nuts and fruit smoothies. ProBars are also my go to during rehearsals or when I have to eat something during intermission.

Q: What is your best advice/strategies to fight fatigue?

A: Drink more water. I also will add Chia seeds to lemon water for more electrolytes. Usually your muscles are fatigued because they are dehydrated so more water really helps.

Q: Who or what inspires you?

A: Carmen de Lavallade inspires me. She is the most graceful, generous, and beautiful dancer onstage and off. I'm inspired by all that she has accomplished. She has done it all! Every technique: ballet, pioneered horton, Broadway, a one woman show, choreography and more. Seeing her on stage dancing in Porgy and Bess on Broadway in her 80's was unbelievably inspiring. I aspire to continue dancing that long.

“Actually, I should say there are two people who have been extremely important in my life as a Broadway performer and that's my mom and my boyfriend. My two best friends who I know I can turn to when I need advice, grounding or someone to make me smile.”

Q: You mentioned that your relationship to your boyfriend is really important to you and I've previously highlighted the empowering effects of relationships on FFB. Can you explain the importance it has on your life as a Broadway performer?

A: Actually, I should say there are two people who have been extremely important in my life as a Broadway performer and that's my mom and my boyfriend. My two best friends who I know I can turn to when I need advice, grounding or someone to make me smile.

My boyfriend has been with me through every audition over the past 5 years. He's seen my highs and my lows and had been nothing but supportive in my endeavors. I think it's also really great that he is not a performer, so he makes sure I get out of the Broadway bubble.

Q: What is your advice for those trying to perform on Broadway?

A: My advice is to be as versatile as physically possible. Take those classes you don't think you'd be good at and get good at them. In the An American in Paris audition I had to do jazz, ballet, ballet partnering, ballet en pointe, tap and sing. I have never been to an audition that demanded every skill set I have and I don't think that it will be my last. Choreographers are looking for it all today and you have to be able to deliver to be kept in the room.

Q: Theme Word Question: How do you continually expand in your life?

A: My motto is: always stay open. Have an open heart, an open mind, and be open to new experiences. It's important for growth and for living a fuller life!

CONNECT WITH TAELER:  |  Instagram: @trulytaeler  |  Twitter: @trulytaeler

fit for broadway review

J: Chaise has been on my list of must-try studios in the city for a while. The class "Bungee Ballet" originally caught my attention and I knew that their methods had Pilates influence with a little ballet and barre mixed in. I can't imagine a more perfect trio of methods!

Chaise definitely met my expectations of a unique approach plus a super fun class. I took Taeler's Friday morning "Reinvention Class" and it was amazing! Chaise offered a unique approach to new and familiar methods that weren’t overly complicated. Some studios definitely require a learning curve (megaformer, anyone?) but the techniques and equipment at Chaise were accessible to all levels. Taeler brought amazing energy to the class and corrected me whenever necessary (which I always appreciate!) The class uses suspended bungees for resistance and support and it allowed me to concentrate more on my form without straining as I do in some classes if I’m fully supporting myself. Also, the music was right in line with the kind of upbeat jams I like in a challenging workout class.

I will certainly be back for more and eventually will be trying "Bungee Ballet" because seriously how fun does that sound?!